
The ginHill.com website builds upon the friendships of a coterie of people in Alexandria, Virginia, that have both common and varied interests. The gin part of the name comes from the well-known distilled alcoholic spirit based on juniper berries that is often combined with other  spices and herbs and is used in a variety of cocktail drinks, such as a gin and tonic. The hill part of the name hints at the location and prominence of the original ginHill circle of friends.

  1 comment for “About

  1. 2 December 2018 at 7:27 pm

    Hi Brad,

    I hope you are well. I am writing to you because I recently launched my line of curry sauces (available now at 532 Yoga, in Alexandria, VA). I wanted to thank you for mentioning my recipe way back in 2014, and I want to send a sauce to you so that you can enjoy making some Indian curry! It would be great if you can mention me in your blog once again, especially during this holiday season.

    Please let me know, and I would be glad to mail a sauce to you. I would need your postal address as well. Thanks!


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